Right To Information Act
Particulars Of Its Organisation, Functions And Duties
The Central Hindi Directorate was established in 1960 by a Presidential order in pursuance of the directives of the Constitution envisaged in Article 351, which reads as under:
"It shall be the duty of the Union to promote the spread of the Hindi language, to develop it so that it may serve as a medium of expression for all the elements of the composite culture of India and to secure its enrichment by assimilating without interfering with its genius, the forms, style and expressions used in Hindustani and in the other languages of India specified in the Eighth Schedule, and by drawing, wherever necessary or desirable, for its vocabulary, primarily on Sanskrit and secondarily on other languages."
The policy makers desired to develop Hindi in a way that it may be able to serve as a medium of expression for all the elements of the composite culture of India. Hence, they enshrined it as a duty of the Union Govt. Deriving its commitments from the above directive, the Directorate has been implementing a number of schemes to achieve the objective as enshrined in the Constitution and thereby physically performing the duty of the Union Govt. in promoting Hindi.
Headquarter of the Directorate is situated at New Delhi. It has four Regional Offices located in Kolkata, Guwahati, Hyderabad and Chennai.
Regional Offices and their Addresses
1. Dy.Director (East),
Central Hindi Directorate,
1,Council House Street,
1st Floor, Kolkata,
West Bengal-700001
(Jurisdiction: West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar and Jharkhand, Lakshadweep)
2. Dy.Director (North-East),
Central Hindi Directorate,
C/o Dass Enterprises,
Jayanagar, Khanapara,
Guwahati-781019 Assam
(Jurisdiction: Assam, Manipur, Tripura, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Meghalya and Mizoram)
3. Dy.Director (South-West)
Central Hindi Directorate,
Kendriya Sadan ,Ground floor-Room No-3
Sultan Bazar,
Andhra Pradesh
(Jurisdiction: Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Goa)
4. Dy. Director (South)
Central Hindi Directorate,
1st Floor, Block-5,
Haddows Road, Shastri Bhawan,
Chennai-600006, Tamilnadu
(Jurisdiction: Tamilnadu, Puducherry and Kerala)
Functions & Duties
This premier institution of the Union Govt. is striving hard to achieve the objectives by establishing Hindi as the link language on all India basis, to develop integrity among the people of India through Hindi and; to secure the proper place for Hindi on global basis through the following activities:-
- Correspondence Courses: Teaching of Hindi to non-Hindi speaking Indians and foreigners as second and foreign language. About 8,000 students are taught Hindi every year.
- Publication: Preparation of dictionaries in regional and foreign languages and publishing standard reference material for the learners of Hindi, the scholars and the universities teachers. We prepare dictionaries and conversational guides (Bi-lingual, Tri-lingual and Multi-lingual). In addition to this, standard magazines and periodicals like Bhasha, Varshiki and Sahityamala are also published.
- Extension Programmes:
- Organising camps for Neo-Hindi Writers of Non- Hindi Speaking areas to harness budding writers into eminent litterateurs.
- Study tours for students: The study tours are organised for Hindi students of Non-Hindi Speaking areas every year.
- Professors lecture tours: It provides a forum for interaction of Professors from non-Hindi speaking areas with those of Hindi speaking areas.
- Grants to Research Scholars: Travel Grants are provided to students of Non-Hindi Speaking areas for pursuing research work in Hindi.
- Awards: 19 Awards of Rs.1 lakh each are given to writers from non-Hindi speaking areas for their writings in Hindi. In addition to this, 5 Awards are also given to original writings in Hindi irrespective of mother tongue for publication of books of Science, Technology, Education and Education Policy.
- Grants to Voluntary Hindi Organisations: Grants-in-aid are provided to the VHOs functioning in non-Hindi speaking states of the country. This is a unique scheme, which is aimed at promoting Hindi by associating the people who voluntarily participate in propagation of Hindi in their areas. Thus, ensures private participation in implementation of the Government scheme.
- Scheme of Financial Assistance For Publication in Hindi: Under the scheme financial assistance is provided for Publication in Hindi such as books of reference like encyclopedia, books of knowledge, critical books on various subjects, dictionaries etc.
Full details of each scheme may be seen separately.
Powers And Duties Of Its Officers And Employees
- Director:- Overall supervision of the Directorate in order to carry out the mandate of the CHD.
- General Editor:- Responsible for editing of publications of Directorate and other assignments as assigned by the Director.
- Deputy Directors:- To assist the Director in performing the functions mandated by the Government to Central Hindi Directorate and also to look after the Regional Offices as per his/her postings.
- Assistant Director, Assistant Research Officer / Evaluators : To perform all duties which are aimed at achieving the mandate of Directorate, i.e. Publication of Dictionaries (Hindi-Hindi, Hindi-Regional Languages, Hindi-Foreign Language), organizing meetings of experts for finalizing dictionaries. Publication of Journals, Extension Programmes of various kind including seminars, students study tours etc., Evaluating of response sheets received from students of various Courses of Correspondence Courses, to participate in Personal contact Programmes organized at various centres for the benefit of students, Preparation of study material in Printed and electronic from, CD etc. To participate in all promotional activities for the Development of Hindi.
Besides the above, all the officers of Directorate can perform any duties academic and administrative, or both that is assigned in the interest of Directorate and public.
Procedure Followed In The Decision Making Process, Including Channels Of Supervision And Accountability
Process of decision making -
- Under the supervision of Director (the Head of the Department)
- In so far as the schemes are concerned, decisions are made on recommendations of various Boards and Committees constituted by the Controlling Ministry with the approval of Minister-in-charge. In so, recommendations are implemented with the approval of Minister-in-charge.
- As per the guidelines issued by Ministries of the Union Govt., namely Ministry of Finance, DOPT, Ministry of Urban Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, etc.
- Administrative/Establishment/Financial matters-As per the Central Civil Services Rules prescribed by the Union Ministries.
- Recruitment and Assured Career Progression- As per the provisions of recruitment rules and guidelines issued by the DOPT.
Norms Set By Directorate For The Discharge Of Its Functions
The structure of the Directorate is divided into two parts, namely academic and ministerial. Functioning of individual units are regulated as under:
- Ministerial: The administrative, financial and house-keeping activities are regulated by the provisions contained in Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules of the Govt., General Financial Rules, Delegation of Financial Powers Rules and Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Personnel and Training and Cabinet Secretariat.
- Recruitments, promotions, Assured Career Promotion and disciplinary actions are regulated by the provisions of recruitment rules and guidelines issued by DOPT.
- Academic: The academic activities of the Directorate, namely various schemes are regulated by specific provisions of individual schemes. Decisions on implementation of schemes are taken on recommendations of committees formed by the Ministry and the Minister in-charge. Compositions of various committees and the norms followed in implementation of individual schemes are available in description of schemes.
Rules, Regulation, Instructions, Manuals And Records, Held By It Or Under Its Control Or Used By Its Employees For Discharging Its Functions
- Scheme of Grants to NGOs and individuals- Guidelines approved by the Controlling Ministry in consultation with Financial Advisor (HRD) & Ministry of Finance.
- Scheme of Publications and free distribution of books- Guidelines approved by the Ministry in consultation with Financial Advisor (HRD).
- Other schemes- As per the provisions of General Financial Rules, Delegation of Financial Powers and rules & instructions issued by Ministry of Finance, etc. from time to time.
- Applications for awards, financial assistance, participation in various extension programmes and purchase of books are invited through open advertisements in leading Newspapers/T.V./Radio.
- Revised Recruitment rules governing the recruitment of various posts.
Statement Of The Categories Of Documents That Are Held By It Or Under Its Control
- Recommendations of State Level Grants-in-aid Committee submitted by Regional Officers of the CHD for submission of the same to the Central Grants-in-aid Committee.
- Minutes of the meetings of the Central Grants-in-aid Committee sanctioning financial assistance to VHOs.
- Minutes of the meeting of Hindi Shiksha Samiti of Deptt. Of Higher Education (Languages Division).
- Minutes of the meeting of Awards Committee recommending awards to prominent Hindi writers of Non Hindi speaking areas under the scheme Awards to Hindi writers of Non-Hindi speaking areas and Shiksha Puraskar.
- Minutes of the meeting of Book Purchase Committee of Central Hindi Directorate under the bulk purchase scheme of the Hindi books.
Particulars Of Any Arrangement That Exists For Consultation With Or Representation By The Members Of The Public In Relation To The Formulation Of Its Policy Or Implementation Thereof
The policies are framed by the Controlling Ministry, in this case, Ministry of Human Resource Development. The Directorate being a subordinate office, our jurisdiction, as per the Allocation of Business Rules and Transaction of Business Rules is confined to execution of the policies framed by the Govt. (Controlling Ministry). Suggestions, if any, received from the public are conveyed to the Ministry. And, if approved, are incorporated into the concerned schemes.
Statement Of The Boards, Councils, Committees And Other Bodies Consisting Of Two Or More Persons Constituted As Its Part Or For The Purpose Of Its Advice, And As To Whether Meetings Of Those Boards, Councils, Committees And Other Bodies Are Open To The Public, Or The Minutes Of Such Meetings Are Accessible For Public
The policies are framed by the Controlling Ministry. The Directorate being a subordinate office, our jurisdiction, as per the Allocation of Business Rules and Transaction of Business Rules is confined to execution of the policies framed by the Govt. (Controlling Ministry). Suggestions, if any, received from the public are conveyed to the Ministry. And, if approved, are incorporated into the concerned schemes.
Composition of the various High Level committees of CHD.
The Committees which advise the Directorate in implementation of its schemes are constituted by HRM for a period of two years. The existing committees in respect of various schemes of the Directorate are as under:
- Grants-in-aid committee
- Awards to Hindi writers of Non-Hindi speaking areas
- Shiksha Puruskar Committee
- Purchases of Hindi Books for free distribution in Non-Hindi speaking areas
- Hindi Shiksha Samiti
Composition Of The Various High Level Committees Of CHD
A. Grants-in-aid committee
Sr. No. | A. Grants-in-aid committee | - |
1 | Bureau Head, Language Division / Joint Secretary (Languages) | Chairman |
2 | Three Distinguished scholars of Hindi literature & linguistics. | Three Members nominated by Hon'ble HRM |
3 | Secretary, Department of official language, Ministry of Home Affairs | Member |
4 | Director, Central Hindi Institute, Agra | Member |
5 | Secretary, Sahitya Academy, New Delhi | Member |
6 | Director, National Book Trust, New Delhi | Member |
7 | Director, Directorate of Printing, Govt. of India, New Delhi | Member |
8 | Financial Advisor, Integrated Finance Division, Deptt. of Higher Education | Member |
9 | Deputy Secretary (Languages) / Director Languages | Member |
10 | Hindi Scholar / Representative of voluntary Hindi organisation / Representative of Akhil Bhartiya Hindi Sanstha Sangh | Special Invitee nominated by Hon'ble HRM |
11 | Vice Chairman, Hindi Shiksha Samiti, New Delhi | Special Invitee |
12 | Director, Central Hindi Directorate New Delhi. |
Member Secretary |
Composition Of The Various High Level Committees Of CHD
B. Awards to Hindi writers of non-Hi
Sr. No. | B. Awards to Hindi writers of non-Hi | - |
1 | Joint Secretary (L) | Chairman |
2 | Five famous Hindi Scholars nominated by H.R.M | Members |
3 | Director, CHD | - |
Tenure of each committee will be for two years.
Composition Of The Various High Level Committees Of Chd
C. Shiksha Puraskar Yojna
Sr. No. | C. Shiksha Puraskar Yojna | - |
1 | Joint Secretary (L) | Chairman |
2 | Three Famous Hindi Scholars nominated by -H.R.M Members | H.R.M Members |
3 | Director, CHD | Member Secretary |
D. Purchase of Hindi Books for free distribution in non-Hindi speaking areas:
Sr. No. | D. Purchase of Hindi Books for free distribution in non-Hindi speaking areas: | - |
1 | Joint Secretary (Languages) | Director |
2 | Eminent Hindi Critic. | Member (1) |
3 | Famous Hindi Writers. | Member (1) |
4 | Renowned famous Hindi Journalist. | Member (1) |
5 | Scholars of Indian Philosophy, Religion & Culture. | Member (1) |
6 | Hindi Scholars of Non-Hindi Speaking areas. | Member (1) |
7 | Director | CHD Member Secretary |
Tenure of each committee will be for two years.
Composition Of The Various High Level Committees Of Chd
E. Hindi Shiksha Samiti : The Hindi Shiksha Samiti is constituted for a tenure of three years.
Sr. No. | E. Hindi Shiksha Samiti : The Hindi Shiksha Samiti is constituted for a tenure of three years. | - |
1 | Minister | HRD Chairperson |
2 | Four Members of the Lok Sabha nominated by the speaker and Two Members of the Rajya Sabha nominated by the Chairman Rajya Sabha. | Member |
3 | Secretary, Department of Higher Education. | Member |
4 | Secretary, Department of Official Languages. | Member |
5 | Joint Secretary (L) / Joint Educational Advisor (Languages). | Member |
6 | Chairman, Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology. | Member |
7 | One representative each nominated by the States governments of Non-Hindi speaking areas.. | Member |
8 | One representative from Akhil Bhartiya Hindi Sanstha Sangh. | Member |
9 | One representative each from the following Voluntary Hindi Organisations: |
10 | Three prominent Hindi scholars. | Scholars |
11 | Two Linguistic experts. | Experts |
12 | Director/Deputy Secretary, Languages Division, Permanent Invitee. | Director/Deputy Secretary |
13 | Director, Central Hindi Directorate - Member Secretary. | Director |
The tenure of the members of the Samiti shall originally be upto the December of 3rd year after it assumes work provided that:
- A member nominated under Clauses 2-3 shall cease to be a member of the Samiti as soon as he ceases to be a Member of Parliament.
- The Ex-officio members of the Samiti shall continue as members so long as they hold the office by virtue of which they are members of the Samiti.
- Other nominated members shall hold office during the pleasure of the Government of India.
- If a vacancy arises on the Samiti due to resignation, death, etc. of a member, the member appointed in that vacancy shall hold office for the rest of the tenure of the Samiti.
The Quorum for the meetings of a Samiti shall be 1/3 of the total membership of the Samiti.
The Samiti shall advise the Government of India on matters of policy pertaining to the propagation and development of Hindi in the Country.
Karyakarini Upsamiti (Sub-committee)
In order to enable the Samiti to discharge its various functions effectively it may appoint a Karyakarini Upsamiti. The Upsamiti shall ordinarily consist of not more than 15 members to be nominated by the chairperson. The chairperson of the Upsamiti shall have the power to co-opt persons either from amongst the members of the Samiti or from outside who possess expertise knowledge and experience of the problems of propagation and development of Hindi in the country.
Manner Of Execution Of Subsidy Programmes, Including The Amounts Allocated And The Details Of Beneficiaries Of Such Programmes
Subsidies are provided by the Directorate in following manners:
- Financial Assistance to the extent of 75% of total approved expenditure by a VHO for promotion of Hindi in a Non-Hindi speaking area of country.
- Publication grant equal to 80% of the total approved expenditure to authors for publication of manuscripts in Hindi.
- Free distribution of Hindi books to Libraries, institutions and other organizations engaged in promotion of Hindi.
List of beneficiaries and Amount of subsidy are as follows :
Manner of execution:- Applications are invited through open advertisements and subsidies sanctioned on recommendations of concerned committees. As regards financial assistance to VHOs, applications are received through Regional Offices of CHD stationed at Kolkata, Guwahati, Hyderabad & Chennai.
Details In Respect Of The Information, Available To Or Held By It, Produced In An Electronic Form
- Website of the CHD www.chdpublication.mhrd.gov.in hosted on the Cloud of NIC.
- CDs/DVDs/Audio/Video cassettes on various grammar points for learners of Hindi.
- CDs/DVDs of certain dictionaries prepared by CHD.
Particulars Of Facilities Available To Citizens For Obtaining Information, Including The Working Hours Of A Library Or Reading Room, If Maintained For Public Use
Citizens can have any information on functions of the Directorate from Public Information Officer, Deputy Director (Co-ordination) and Director after taking prior appointments.
Names, Designations And Other Particulars Of The Public Information Officers
1st Appellate Officer
Shri. Babu Lal Meena
Deputy Director(L)
Central Hindi Directorate
Ministry of Human Resource Development
(Department of Higher Education)
West Block - VII, R.K. Puram
New Delhi-110066.
Email: babulalmeena[dot]edu[at]gov[dot]in
Phone: +91-11-26105211, Ext- 223
Fax No: +91-11-26101220
Public Information Officer
Shri. Shailesh Bidalia
Assistant Director(L)
Central Hindi Directorate
Ministry of Human Resource Development
(Department of Higher Education)
West Block-VII, R. K. Puram
New Delhi – 110066.
Email: shailesh[dot]edu[at]gov[dot]in
Phone No: - +91-11-26105211, Ext-213
Fax No: 011-26101220